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Christopher Chang MD

A sagging brow with horizontal lines and furrows on the forehead can add years to your appearance and make you appear worried, tired, or even angry. A brow lift can reverse the effects of gravity, tighten the forehead, and restore more youthful contours to your eyebrows and upper eyelids. This procedure can make a person appear younger, more relaxed and completely refresh your look.

Dr. Christopher C. Chang delivers one of the best brow lift Washington DC has to offer, with a practice that focuses on facial and cosmetic surgery. He has credentials from Harvard, Yale, NYU School of Medicine, and other distinguished institutions and has a down-to-earth, approachable manner with his patients and provides quality, patient-focused care. If a lined and sagging brow is detracting from your appearance, schedule a consultation with Dr. Chang to discuss a brow lift procedure.

Benefits of a Brow Lift

If the effects of aging and gravity are showing in your brow and forehead, a brow lift may be the right procedure to produce a more refreshed and youthful appearance. A brow lift procedure can:

  • Diminish creases above the eyebrows
  • Smooth crow’s feet and forehead wrinkles
  • Eliminate hooding of the eyelids
  • Reverse the tired appearance of heavy, drooping eyes
  • Restore a more relaxed, alert, and youthful look to the face

Dr. Christopher C. Chang is recognized as a leader in facial plastic surgery in D.C. and beyond. He is an authority on facial procedures, age correction and facial balance. If you are tired of a sagging forehead making you appear tired and weary, adding years to your appearance, come to our office to consult with Dr. Chang about a brow lift procedure.

How is brow lift procedure performed?

Brow Lift Washington DC

Not all brow lifts are alike, and the surgical techniques performed in your case will depend on your facial features and your treatment goals. When you come to Dr. Chang for a top Washington, D.C. brow lift, he will carefully evaluate your facial anatomy and structure, and recommend the best surgical treatment plan for you. He uses a comprehensive approach to reversing the aging process to achieve natural-looking results. Dr. Chang prides himself on producing beautiful results for his patients through his extensive understanding of facial structure and balance in performing brow lifts and other cosmetic facial plastic surgeries.

Brow and forehead lift surgical techniques include:

  • Coronal: An incision is made in a naturally hidden location inside the hair-bearing scalp. Excess skin is removed and the entire forehead and eyebrows are lifted and smoothened to produce an even, suspended brow. The incision is closed with dissolvable sutures and surgical clips. The scar is hidden inside the hair and is nearly invisible
  • Tricophytic (Hairline): An incision is made at the hairline edge and excess skin is removed. The entire forehead and eyebrows are lifted in concert, creating a smooth, natural result, which maintains the normal contours of the upper face and brow. This technique can be used to shorten the forehead and lower the hairline. Using meticulous technique and some of the smallest sutures, Dr. Chang’s technical details enable this incision to be extremely well hidden and disguised.
  • Direct: An incision is made several centimeters above the eyebrow in a forehead crease. This allows the movement of the brow to be directly affected with skin resection just above the arch. The incision is hidden in the natural folds of the forehead crease.
  • Endoscopic: Small incisions are made in the hairline and an endoscope (a lighted optical instrument) is used to lift the brow. As all incisions are made within the hairline, the minimal scarring from this procedure is concealed and virtually undetectable.
  • Biplane: Traditional and endoscopic brow lift techniques are combined to achieve the most attractive appearance for certain patients.

View Brow Lift Before & After

Am I a Good Candidate for a Brow Lift?

A brow lift is a simple, time-tested, plastic surgery procedure that will rejuvenate the upper third of the face. Thousands of people every year undergo this procedure and the satisfaction rate is extremely high. You may be a good candidate for a brow lift if you have:

  • A low or sagging eyebrow position giving you a grumpy, tired, or sad appearance
  • Deep horizontal creases across your forehead
  • Furrows or frown lines between your eyebrows or at the top of your nose
  • Excess skin or fatty tissue over your eyes
  • Heavy or droopy eyes
  • In addition to a facelift

Phone: (888) 413-3923 Hours: M-F 9:00am to 5:00pm

Dr. Christopher Chang Congressional Plastic Surgery - Dr. Christopher Chang Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Washington DC

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