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Christopher Chang MD

Women today have options when it comes to breast augmentation. Breast implants are available in different types, shapes, textures, and sizes, with varying degrees of projection.

When Dr. Christopher Chang performs your breast augmentation surgery, he will work closely with you to the select the right breast implant to suit your unique needs.

What to Consider When Choosing a Breast Implant

Breast augmentation today is a custom-tailored procedure, and choosing the right implant is key to its success. When selecting an implant, patients and their doctors should consider:

  • Patient size and body shape
  • Natural breast anatomy (existing breast size and shape)
  • Amount of sagging or drooping of the breasts
  • Integrity of natural breast tissue
  • Patient’s physical activity and lifestyle

Breast Implant Options

Choosing the right breast implant requires a series of decisions regarding implant size, profile, texture, shape, and type.

Implant Size

Deciding on the right size can be difficult, as implant sizes do not correspond with bra cup sizes. With breast implants, size is measured based on volume (in cubic centimeters) and projection from the breast wall. It is important to ensure that you have sufficient natural breast tissue to cover the size of implant you have chosen.

Implant Profile

Profile refers to the amount of projection from the chest wall. While a low-profile implant is flatter, a high-profile implant projects from the body to create more prominent breasts. In choosing the right profile, consider the size and shape of your body and your existing breast anatomy, along with the look you want to achieve.

Implant Texture

Breast implants can be smooth or textured. Patients with textured implants may have a lower risk of developing capsular contracture, a condition in which the scar tissue capsule surrounding the implant begins to contract, squeezing and distorting the implant.

Implant Shape

Implants can be round or teardrop shaped. Although the teardrop shape produces a more a natural look, many women prefer the fullness a round implant provides.

Implant Type

Breast implants come in three basic types – saline, silicone, and gummy bear – all of which have their advantages and disadvantages.

  • Saline implants require smaller incisions, as they can be filled after placement in the breast. Saline can be added to adjust size and symmetry after placement. The main disadvantages of saline implants are that they feel less natural and are more susceptible to wrinkling and rippling.
  • Silicone implants look and feel more natural and are less prone to rippling. However, they require larger incisions and size cannot be adjusted after placement.
  • Gummy bear (form stable silicone gel) implants are shaped with more projection at the bottom to create an appearance more like a natural breast. These natural-looking and feeling implants are resistant to leakage, shifting, and rippling. However, they require larger incisions for insertion.

In addition to obtaining your height and weight, Dr. Christopher Chang, Washington DC plastic surgeon, will measure your breast size and chest during your consultation for breast augmentation surgery. He will use these measurements, along with his artistic sense and experience, to recommend the right implant to fit your body proportions. You will also be given the opportunity to try on breast implant sizers to give you an idea of how you will look and feel after breast augmentation surgery with that implant choice.

Phone: (888) 413-3923 Hours: M-F 9:00am to 5:00pm

Dr. Christopher Chang Congressional Plastic Surgery - Dr. Christopher Chang Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Washington DC

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